pregnancy yoga classes greystones

pregnancy yoga

Please note: due to current restrictions, we are offering these classes online
find out more here

Class: Thursday at 6.30pm at Thrive Pilates Studio

Pregnancy Yoga is a wonderful way to enjoy an active pregnancy .  It also prepares you for labour. It improves backache, increases stamina and awareness of breath and is deeply relaxing for both Mum and Baby.

The class starts with deep breathing and relaxation to centre you both, followed by warm up techniques and a Sun Salutation esp. designed for Pregnancy. Then we practice various postures and movements to help increase fluidity in the spine, relieve tension in the hips, pelvis and lower back, open up the chest and shoulders and strengthen the arms and legs. The exercises and breath work will help prepare you for labour and beyond and increase your confidence in your body’s ability to birth your baby with as much ease as possible. There is a huge emphasis on breathing throughout the class to keep your mind focused and relaxed and to release tension and stress. The breath has an essential role during labour to open up the birth canal, increase dilation and helps you to stay focussed and relaxed.

The class includes an emphasis on the pelvic floor muscles, introducing exercises to help keep good tone and improve circulation in your pelvic floor. Attention to this muscle group is extremely important during and after pregnancy and a wonderful way to prepare for birthing your baby.

Then to finish we focus on deep breathing techniques for Pregnancy and Labour and relaxation for both Mum and Baby.

Other benefits include:

  • More energy

  • Deeper breathing

  • Releases muscular and mental tension and stress

  • Relieves heartburn, sciatica and leg cramps

  • Lovely time out for both Mum and Baby to slow down and enjoy this precious time together

No previous yoga experience is necessary and you can come after your first trimester; in your second or third, it’s never too late to start. Please bring a blanket for relaxation with you.

We also provide a wonderful Pregnancy Barre class with our sister company The Yoga Barre, which is more active than yoga.

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